5 ways to maintain your Agbada

5 ways to maintain your Agbada

Hello there!👋

Wearing an Agbada shouldn't be for the glory mentions, feel-good vibes, social media hoopla, and the likes. 

Owning and maintaining an Agbada is like having a classic 2003 Rolls-Royce Phantom. It requires time, dedication, sacrifices, and commitment to maintain your Agbada. If you desire to look stylish when wearing an Agbada, you must sacrifice effort to make sure it is in perfect condition.

To maintain the uniqueness, fashion, vibrant style, cultural inclination, and longevity of your Agbada, maintaining it will help preserve its quality and uphold its prestige.

Here are 5 simple ways to help maintain your Agbada:

Dry Cleaning: Your Agbada should always be dry cleaned to avoid damaging the delicate fabric and design detailing. Look for a reputable dry cleaner that is experienced in handling traditional African wear and get your Agbada the proper cleaning it deserves.

Store Properly: Store your Agbada in a designated, cool, dry place that’s away from direct sunlight and other damaging elements. Avoid folding your agbada for an extended time to avoid creases and permanent damage to the fabric. Consider having a garment that gives room for it to be hung.

Avoid Sunlight: Avoid exposing your Agbada to direct sunlight for an extended period because too much sunlight exposure can cause the colors to fade over time. If you need to air your Agbada moderately, you should expose it to sunlight.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals: In no way should you expose and use harsh chemicals, bleach, or highly concentrated detergents when cleaning your Agbada, as they can damage the colors and the fabric.

Professional Restoration: If your Agbada becomes damaged or you start noticing signs of wear and tear, consider taking it to a traditional professional textile restorer who specializes in restoring traditional fabrics.

The Agbada is sophisticated yet simple and elegant, and it shouldn’t be maintained lightly. Take the time to carefully maintain its looks, and it won’t disappoint in making you the spotlight of attention.

Remember, at David Scott, we not only make our Agbadas to ignite your look and feel but also design them to aid you in maintaining them according to your taste and budget.

Game your fashion style and feel by owning a custom-designed David Scott Agbada.

Don’t guess; order now!

Written by: Ananaba Chinonso Nnamdi

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